
Zac Furlough

Zac is a poet and the founder of Passengers Literary Press. His poetry has been published in Still: The Journal, Prometheus Dreaming, Hare’s Paw, and Wild Roof Journal, amongst others. He can be found on Twitter and Instagram @furlough43 or reached at

Anna Genevieve Winham

Anna writes at the crossroads of science and the sublime, cyborgs and the surreal. The Development Director for the Poetry Society of New York, she was formerly the Journal Coordinator for Oxford Public Philosophy, and she won Ninth Letter's 2020 literary award in Literary Nonfiction for a "notable" essay in Best American Essays 2021. Anna writes and performs with PSNY, moonlighting as Velvet Envy in The Poetry Brothel

Her prose appears in We'll Have to PassBrooklyn Magazine, The Oxford Review of Books, Grist JournalMeetinghouse Magazine online, and others. You can find her poetry in New York QuarterlyWild Roof Journal, High Shelf Press, Cathexis Northwest Press, and others. While attending Dartmouth College (which was the pits), she won the Stanley Prize for experimental essay and the Kaminsky Family Fund Award. She can be reached at

Charles Fleming

After spending a decade in corporate retail, Charles returned to academia in search of a more fulfilling career. He now holds a BA with Honors in English Education and an MFA in Poetry from North Carolina State University. In his spare time, Charles agonizes over line breaks and collects rejections in his Submittable account. He also enjoys watching trashy horror movies with his wife and screaming at his TV while playing video games. For work, he teaches English at local colleges and runs the occasional poetry workshop. He can be reached at and followed @CharFlem37.

Syd Shaw

Syd Shaw is a queer poet from the San Fernando Valley who writes about love, witchcraft, and body horror. She has a degree in creative writing from Northwestern University, and is currently a member of the Pride Poets typewriter poetry group. Syd has previously been published in Cathexis Northwest, Wild Roof Journal, Ember Chasm, Waxing & Waning, Eclectica Magazine, and Coffin Bell Journal, among others. She has forthcoming work in Under Her Eye, an anthology by Black Spot Books. Her passions include tarot, guitar, and aerial silks. Syd's work can be found on her website.

Lauren Viar

Lauren Viar has earned her Master of Arts in Art History from American University where she concentrated her studies in European Modernism while focusing on issues of gender, social history, and media studies. She also has earned a Bachelor of Science in Humanities with minors in English and Art History from Jacksonville University. She is fueled by art that questions how we see the world, desserts, and French Reds. You can find her on Twitter @laurenmviar and reach her at

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